PROSET Fire Retardant TDS

Found below are the various TDS (Technical Data Sheets) for PROSET's line of Fire Retardant epoxies.

Check out the XR28A (Here), the XR29A (Here), the M2043 (Here), the M2044 (Here), and the M2046 (Here)!

XR28A with M2044 Medium

 PRO-SET® XR28A-2 Fire Retardant Infusion Resin

PRO-SET® XR28A-2 Fire Retardant Infusion Resin

XR28A with M2046 Slow

PRO-SET® XR28A-2 Fire Retardant Infusion Resin 


XR29A with M2043 Fast

 PRO-SET® XR29A-2 Fire Retardant Laminating Resin

PRO-SET® XR29A-2 Fire Retardant Laminating Resin

XR29A with M2044 Medium

PRO-SET® XR29A-2 Fire Retardant Laminating Resin

PRO-SET® XR29A-2 Fire Retardant Laminating Resin 

XR29A with M2046 Slow

 PRO-SET® XR29A-2 Fire Retardant Laminating Resin