9 1/2 X 2 3/4in Sanding Board, uses 9' x 11" sheets of sandpaper cut down or 2 3/4" x 17 1/2" sheets. EVA backed board with spring clips at each end to hold paper in place, making switching between grits easy.
15 3/4 X 2 3/4in Sanding Board, good for fairing medium sized surfaces, such as paddleboards, canoes, or kayaks, this board uses 2 3/4" x 17 1/2" sandpaper sheets. Board is backed with a thin eva...
1 1/2 oz. X 4in., Mat Tape
Slit mat tape is generally used for tabbing in bulkheads or stringers.
Designed with a binder that releases in polyester and vinyl ester resins chop strand mat is a great...